W koszyku
Torchwood. Cz. 5, The Lost Files - Bath : AudioGo, 2011. - 3 płyty CD [mp3]. (2 godz. 15 min.) : digital, audio ; 12 cm.
ĹThe Devil and Miss Carewĺ sees Gwen and Rhys involved in a nursing home mystery. Why is Miss Carew, an octogenarian with terminal heart disease, suddenly looking so fit and healthy? And what is her connection with the mysterious power cuts that are sweeping the nation? ĹSubmissionĺ finds the Torchwood team heading for the bottom of the sea - the Mariana Trench - after they intercept a distress call. But when the submarine they are on crashes, they find themselves at the mercy of a hungry alien... ĹThe House of the Deadĺ sees a special séance being held at the most haunted pub in Wales. The House of the Dead is about to close, and many regulars have turned up on the last night in the hope of seeing their deceased loved ones. But then the ghosts start arriving ľ and all hell breaks loose...
Strefa uwag:
Uwaga ogólna
This is special BBC Radio episode, stars: John Barrowman, Eve Myles and Gareth David-Lloyd.
Uwaga dotycząca zawartości
Zawiera: The Devil and Miss Carew / Rupert Laight. Submission / Ryan Scott. The House of the Dead / James Goss.
Uwaga dotycząca wymagań systemowych
Wym. sprzętowe: odtwarzacz CD lub DVD czytający pliki MP3, komputer PC.
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